Traditional Yoga Purification
Sensory Organs l Digestive Track l Heat Building l Sun & Moon Meditation l Yoga Nidra
Spring Equinox is a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of time. As yogis we embrace this promise of new beginnings by engaging in profound inner and outer spring cleaning, preparing mind and body to bask in the revitalizing energy of spring.
Saturday l 8 AM – 10 AM l via Zoom l Registration $70
Weekdays via zoom including Yoga Nidra, Meditation and the study of the Srimad Bhagavam, an ancient but practical guide for living a meaningful life
21-Day Meditation Challenge

Study Privately with Yogi Charu: One hour sessions of Meditation, Yoga Nidra Philosophy, or Hatha Yoga
30-Day Meditation Challenge
If you have finished the FREE 21-Day Meditation challenge, we encourage you to try this second series, based on Book 2 of the Yoga Sutras.